Friday, 11 December 2015

Blogmas - Day Ten: Favourite YouTubers 2015

The photos here were found on Google and edited by me.   

Hi guys.

Today's post is going to be about my favourite YouTubers I like to watch regularly.  I will also link to their YouTube channels so you can go check them out.  I first got into the world of YouTube when looking up a review of a makeup product and came across some of these YouTubers reviewing it.  I then went on to watching more and more of their videos and then finding more YouTubers to watch.  I cannot tell you how many I am subscribed to and how many different genres of YouTubers I watch.  They really help me to relax after a long day of work or doing uni work plus they inspired me to create a blog to unleash my own reviews and life to which I am grateful for.

So here are my top nine YouTubers that I have been loving this year.


I think Fleur was one of the first YouTubers I had every watched and will continue to watch for as long as I can.  She seems down to earth and her videos are so stylish as well as being funny.  She has introduced me to some high end beauty products through her channel.  Any product I have been inspired to purchase because of her, I have been 100% happy with and trust her decision.  Her channel can be found here.


The Saccone-Joly's run a daily Vlog channel where they document their lives everyday.  The Saccone-Joly's are Jonathon, Anna, Emilia and Eduardo.  I came across them one day when another YouTuber (I cannot remember who) mentioned them in a video.  I typed in their name and watched a few of their videos and after a few months, I was hooked and went back to watch them from about 3 years ago.  I still haven't caught up since!  Their channel can be linked here.

Zoella. can I describe her?  She is adorable!  She is down-to-earth and funny. She creates beauty and fashion videos with some DIY's.   I love watching her videos and love everything about her.  Her channel can be found here.


Another beauty YouTuber.  Once again Vivianna has an amazing channel and is down-to-earth and honest about her opinions.  Her channel can be found here.

I Covet Thee.

There seems to be a trend here,  All the YouTubers I have mentioned are British or Irish.  Once again, Alix is British and is a sophisticated woman who has given me a few products to put on my already expanding wish list of products in my planner.  Her channel can be found here.


Katherine is one of my favourites because she is also at University and I can relate to her when I watch her videos.  She is a typical uni student and I love watching her videos.  Her channel can be found here.

Ingrid Nilsen.

Ingrid is the popular missglamorazzi and she is an amazing American who speaks the truth about life and beauty.  She always makes me laugh in her videos and makes sure that everyone is entertained.  I think she was one of the first American YouTubers I watched and will continue to watch her for as long as I can.  Her channel can be found here.

Eleventh Gorgeous.

Two sisters that are so entertaining that I cannot stop binge watching their videos.  Tracy and Steph know how to make serious makeup videos as well as their 'How not to' series.  I love the way they interact with each other and how much they are alike in the products that they select in their videos.  Their channel can be found here.

Jaclyn Hill.

My final Youtuber is a woman called Jaclyn Hill.  I was recently introduced to her by one of my friends friend who raved about how good she was and how amazing her makeup collection is.  I love binge watching her videos and have a few products on my wish list which may make an appearance in my collection soon.  Her channel can be found here.

So that is my favourite YouTubers which I am obsessed with this year.  There are so many more that I love but that can be for another post.

Who are your favourites from this year?  Do you watch any of the ones listed above?

Bye for now.

Jess. X

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