Sunday 1 February 2015

BONUS POST - I've been awarded!

So...something awesome has just happened this evening. I was just chilling out, watching YouTube, looking through Twitter when I saw a notification and within this little notification was a Tweet stating that I have been nominated for the Liebster Award by Fiona of Little Happy Thoughts. Thank you so much!  This just makes me feel like all my work is being noticed, even if it is by one person :D

Anyway, for those of you that don’t know what the Liebster Award is, it’s an award given to new and up and coming bloggers with small followings (generally less than about 200). It helps new bloggers connect with each other, and find each other!

The rules are as follows:
·        Thank and link the person who nominated you.
·        Answer the questions given to you.
·        Nominate other bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
·        Create 11 new questions for the nominees to answer.
·        Notify the nominees so that they know they have been nominated.

1. What was your inspiration for starting a blog?
     I had just started University and bought a few new items and wanted a place to call my own, a place for my opinion and also something different that can just sit and do when University work gets too much.

2. What is your favourite hobby (besides blogging)?
     I love Scouting.  I have been a Scout leader for nearly 2 years and as much as I don't do a lot at University, I try to keep up to date with what is going on in my district and help out when I can when I'm back at home.

3. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
    I have always said I would change my height.  Being 4'11", I struggle with clothes not fitting, reaching higher shelves...the usual things that are associated with being small but as I have gotten older, I have learnt that being small can have its advantages such as looking younger than you are.

4. What is your favourite place you have visited?
     I love London.  I never get lost when I go there.  I used to go to London a lot when I was younger and loved it then.  If I could, I would live there.

5. What 3 beauty products could you not live without?
     Foundation, eye shadow & a lip balm.

6. How do you handle a stressful day?
    That's a tough one...I don't really have stressful days but when I do, I tend to just have a rant to my friends and then sit and read blogs and do things that will take my mind off my stresses.

7. What is the first thing on your wish list?
    To own a Michael Kors Bag.  That is going to be my graduation present when I graduate University.

8. What is your biggest fear?
    I don't really fear much but I would say loosing anyone in my family as well as my 2nd mum (my friend)  

9. What is your favourite TV programme?
    I have quite a few but my favourite has to be The Simpsons.  I have loved that show since I was younger and I will always have a laugh when I watch them.

10. What is your most prized possession?
      I would have to say my laptop.  I know there are better things out there but my laptop is my life.  It is also something my other half gave to me on my 25th birthday last year and I would hate it if I lost it or it broke as I feel that this was something he spent a while looking for and it always makes me smile when I look at it as I am 70 miles away from him at the moment.

11. What advice would you give to your younger self?
      Don't think you are right when clearly you are wrong because it can get you into a ton of mess and you don't want to end up climbing your way from rock bottom.

I would like to nominate:

My questions are:
  1. What brought you to the blogging community?
  2. What is your top holy grail product?
  3. Where can you see your blog going in 5 years time?
  4. What do you thing the best thing about blogging is?
  5. Apart from blogging, do you have another job or go to school/college/university?
  6. How did you tell your close friends and family about your blog?
  7. What was your first blogpost?
  8. What do you like to do other that blogging?
  9. Have you got something you would hate to loose?
  10. Would you ever venture into filming and YouTube (if you haven't already)
  11. What is your next follower goal?
I again would like to that Fiona from Little Happy Thoughts for the nomination.

Bye for now.

Jess. X


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